Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Science: energy!

We have been breaking off in our science / writing groups and doing lots of shared writing and discussing about science concepts. 

Check out some of our ideas!


  1. I like the way that you took photos of our ideas so we won't lose them. If we forgot them we could go on the Poutama blog.

  2. I love science. Now I know all the states of matter solid, liquid and gas.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. cool duscticen of the states of matter. like how we used the ham burger as a writing exspample .

  5. wow ! guys that looks like a lot learning happing keep it up and you will be so so so smart

  6. Man isn't learning about science fun and i can wait to go deeper into learning more about science!!! :)

  7. Man isen't learning about science fun and I can't wait to go deeper into learning about more science!!!! :)

  8. The science of energy is really fascinating. Learning potential and kinetic energy was really interesting. It is really cool what energy does! Bye

  9. It has been Great doing science. I loved the experiments on kinetic and potential energy. We have also been learning about the states of matter solid, liquid and gas.

  10. We have done some cool experiments on energy. We also have been learning about state of matter. We learnt that there is three matters, Solid, Liquid and Gas.

  11. We have had fun learning about energy and Matter

  12. It has been great doing science and learning about potential, kinetic energy. We have also been learning about the states of matter. States of matter are solid, liquid and gas.
    By Maraki

  13. It has been great doing science and learning about potential, kinetic energy. We have also been learning about the states of matter. States of matter are solid, liquid and gas.
    By Maraki

  14. We have had fun learning about energy and matter. We learnt matter is A solid then the atoms get more spread apart by energy then turn into a liquid and then the same for a gas

  15. That was so fun learning about energy. Now I understand matter and energy a lot better at first I thought that it was all complicate. The writing was really fun getting to write down all of our knowledge that we just learnt.

    From Callum

  16. It was great to learn about what matter is and what atoms are to I learnt that there the states of matter solid, liquid and gas. I was also great seeing the experiments too.
    Ben : )

  17. I have learned alot from all of the teachers and it has been fun learning about energy and kinetic
    and potential!

  18. It has been great doing science and learning about potential, kinetic energy. We have also been learning about the states of matter. States of matter are solid, liquid and gas.

  19. We have had a lot of ideas about energy and matter. It is intreging to find out new things about energy and heat.


  20. Thanks for sharing fabulous information. It' s my pleasure to read it.I have also bookmarked you for checking out new posts..solar power

  21. I have learnt a lot about energy. I really can't wait to find out more about energy and heat.

  22. Wow I have learnt a lot more about science & energy this term already.

  23. Wow I have learnt a lot more about science & energy this term already.

  24. WowI know a lot about science

  25. WOW you sure no a lot about science i have learn't a lot

  26. WOW i sure learnt a lot of science
